
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ Category: Fibre
When can we install/connect?
We are happy to announce that we are now taking orders for residents on the fibre network which will be placed now to go live as soon as the fibre is lit in your area.
Why is there an activation fee?
Fibre is a new service on a fresh network and in order for us to link you onto this service, an activation fee will be charged as a once-off fee when you link up for the first time.
Will fibre make my computer faster?
Your computer speed depends on what hardware your computer has. It also depends on how overloaded your computer is with software. Your internet speed will not help your computer in speeding it up.
Who to contact to go ahead?
You can contact us at iUncapped on 033 330 5826 or email us at
We will undertake the installation of the fibre point in your home and will connect you to the fibre network when it goes live.
Is the speed guaranteed?
Network speed is supported and we do offer a 24/7 helpline if you are experiencing any issues.
What is AUP?
Acceptable Fair Usage Policy (AUP) is our super simple way of protecting the integrity of the iUncapped network. As with all acceptable use policies, if you use more than a certain, predetermined ‘fair’ amount of data in a given timeframe, your line speed could slow down during peak times, in order to allow other users to access the network fairly.
If I have a wireless connection, do I have to change to fibre?
There is no obligation for any resident to change from their wireless system to the fibre.
Are we phasing out wireless?
It will continue to run and expand upon our wireless network.
Wireless network allows us to connect clients who do not have the option for fibre and who live in rural areas of the Midlands.
Can I keep my email address?
You will have to confirm with your current email provider. We do allow other emails to work on our network. We also offer free email addresses for our clients.